December 8, 2010

Triptych Octopus

I've loved these prints since the day I laid eyes on it. Like, cant get it out of my head love. ( and isnt that room great?)

However, it has the price tag of $3700.  ( click here for source ) or $5,000 at Plantation Design...
So, after getting free money from Groupon last night, I skipped on over to to see if they could help me out.
And they kind of can.

Here is a pretty close version, I'm not thrilled with the blue background ( would prefer the black )
But after coupons I'd only pay $25 a print...( unframed though ...but thanks to joanns 50% off framing, i might be ok )


I had a friend photoshop it, I'm going to be printing it at Kinkos! :)


  1. I love that print too. SO amazing. I think it could still look cool in the light blue. I'd do it!

  2. I love that print! where did you fid it with the lbue background?

  3. o man i always do that, I coment before ive read the fine print! sorry i see where you got it

  4. I'd get some dark brown stock paper and draw that baby myself! I could do that in a few days with a white conte crayon

  5. I like it. I think the frame color will determine the mood it sets. A white frame will give it a more beachy, airy look and a black or brown frame would give it a more sophisticated look IMO. Either frame color will look great in your house!

  6. I would totally do it! I actually like it in blue too just with a dark frame! :)

  7. i played around with it on picnik and blogged about it last week... check it out here, i do like the blue, but I am like you, really like the contrast of the dark background and light octopus. great minds think alike.

  8. I like where your head's at Splendid

  9. Mind sharing how your friend got it in black and white?? I've been trying to find a knock off of this forever!;)


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