April 5, 2010

Moleskine Journals/Notebooks

I needed a journal for Doula birth records, A new personal journal, and a sketchbook for design stuff...I headed to Borders, and to my pleasant surprise, I found them ALL in the bargain books section for less than $4.99 a piece. They are the bigger ones too! ( retail for $15.95 )
Random post, I know, but it's all a part of me getting more organized in my daily life. Maybe you'll benefit from this post!


  1. love random posts. :) and yay for getting organized. in a pretty way hehe.

  2. LOL Audra, smart hubby you've got there. I didnt know that about Hemmingway, very interesting :)

  3. My husband loves moleskines too. He writes down all his ideas for research that he would like to undertake one day.
    Have fun organising.


Ikea Ribba Frame Hack // Custom Mats

This one was one of those projects where I'm asking myself, why didnt I do this sooner?? Was I intimidated? Did I assume it'd be co...