March 26, 2014

Spring Decor on the Cheap

I'm on a blogging roll. Have I clogged your feeds yet? Cantstopwontstop.
When I decorate for spring, Its fairly minimal and natural. I'm not into doing the whole Easter theme or getting overly crafty. Frankly, Spring is my least favorite, however, I do love all the green I'm seeing.

My entry has my usual suspects ( lanterns ) along with a natural garland I got in a free box. The bird's nests are real and were found after a great windstorm a couple years back.
The eggs?
Cadbury hardshelled chocolate eggs. My favorite Easter candy. Maybe my favorite holiday candy.

The coffee table is simple with a Target Basket ( still available at Target ) and accessorized with an old soup tureen I got for 99 cents at Goodwill. And no, I swear I'm not that blogger who runs to the store and gets a fresh bouquet of flowers just for the shot. I'm the blogger that goes in her yard, barefoot in the rain and digs up a lonely hyacinth.

And dont go throwin out the moss on the ground quite yet, stuff it in a vase for a pretty type of ground cover for your plant.

Lastly, the Lanterns. These are always hung, but I switch out the fillers by season. So I just emptied the faux snow ( which I'm bitter about because we didnt get any snow storms ). Inside is dollar tree moss. I noticed that colors vary by store, like my store had brown and green, the other store had an ugly yellow/brown. But for $1 a bag...

LED Candles with timers are so freakin awesome. I set all of mine to flicker on just as it's getting dark.
Mine are from Costco. Amazon also carries them in packs.


  1. If you got that garland in a free box, you got a great deal! If I'm seeing it correctly, that's the bay leaf garland from Pottery Barn from years ago (when they just had crystals in it, before they added the other filler). And, it wasn't cheap (ask me how I know - I was that sucker ;) ) so I'm envious of your score!

    1. Oh seriously! That's so funny! I feel even more proud to have it now! :)

  2. I have those same candles from Costco and love them. Your entryway is beautiful!

  3. Looks so pretty! Ima come over and eat those eggs though. Trust.

  4. i should get more lanterns for my house, i just love them!


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