March 19, 2014

Jeff Lewis Color!

I have an obnoxious obsession with all things Jeff Lewis. I adore his work and even more his masochistic sense of humor. With that being said, I'm thrilled that as of this week, Jeff Lewis Color is available at Home Depot. Just when I was having difficulty choosing a color for a clients home, this news happens, and it makes my life that much easier!

Look at this amazing palette. Subtle, Neutral and Clean. I cannot pick a favorite if I tried.

You can catch Jeff, Zoila, Jenny and the gang on Wednesdays on Bravo. Flipping Out season 7 just started!


  1. Oh holy hell! These are perfection!

    1. They really really are. You may even find your exterior color in there :)

  2. I was wondering where his line was going to be carried. Thanks for the intel!! (I also love Jeff Lewis!)


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