December 14, 2011

Pottery Barn Knockoff?

Man I havent done a Pottery Barn knockoff in forever! It's about time.

Years ago I swooned over this Pottery Barn "emma" rug. Big beautiful green and blue flowers, and too expensive for my wallet.

By the time I saved up for it, they retired it.
So I ended up buying THIS Martha  rug from Home Decorators. For the 8x10 I paid half the price I would've for Emma. ( remember that Home Decorators always has coupons online )

While browsing Overstock for a client, I came across this waverly rug. Mind you, it's not wool, it's polypropylene. 

BUT, for a 5x8 it's only $134. ( click here for link )

compared to the Emma:
impressive huh?


  1. I just found your blog and I'm so excited! You've got great style and I love that you appeal to those with "real bank accounts".

  2. My rug from just arrived and I am so thrilled! Thanks for the post and the link-it was exactly what I was looking for!! I love your blog as well:)

  3. I'm a new follower and love your blog! I have been searching for square picture frames...but not at pottery barn prices....any suggestions? (I searched but didn't see a post about where yours are from..) Thanks!!

  4. I am desperate to know where you found those light green chair slipcovers in your very first picture .

  5. Looking for formal dining chair slip covers. Help!


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