January 20, 2010

Follow Follow Follow

Ok people. On average, according to my statcounter, I get 418 hits a day on my page. However, I have 254 followers! I love my followers. I try to visit your blogs when you join :)
Tell your friends! Follow me! It encourages me to post more often and find more inspiration for you.


  1. Just wanted to let you know that I LOVE following your blog!! I adore great deals and your page is full of them! Thanks a blog that helps us save money!

  2. I know right? I have followers and hits but NEVER any comments. Even if you don't like it- comment!!! People need feedback.

  3. I don't follow blogs because I dont' really understand the point. Plus you're in my google reader so I see all your posts anyways :)

  4. okay, so I just stumbled across your blog, and I'm pretty sure I'm in love with you. the deals you find are AH-mazing! you have gorgeous taste as well. I'm now a follower! I haven't put much decor in my blog yet, since it's brand new and I'm lazy with taking pictures.

  5. i'm with you! as a beginning blogger i'm borderline desperate for feedback — both happy comments and constructive criticism. i for one think your blog is incredible :)

  6. I have to admit I am one of those peoples that doesn't follow, just reads~ Sorry! But generally hits are much higher, I think I have 1200 followers and get about 4,000 hits/day so it seems to be normal.

    And I will admit, I am a really slack-y commentor too! Sorry!!!! I love your blog though and definitely want to see you bringing more ideas our way~


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