January 9, 2010

Chandelier Knockoffs

Pottery Barn's Camilla Chandelier $199
Overstock's Iron and Crystal 3-light Chandelier $139

I love this PB Bellora Chandelier for $299. It's got the classic structure but brought up to date with the glass balls.

And this great knockoff at Overstock for $185
(click pics for links )


  1. These are NOT knockoffs. In fact, Overstock.com sells name brand lighting which can often be matched by model number, not item number or stock number. For example, the Pottery Barn light is model number B205. The Overstock.com light is model number B205. I have purchased lighting from Overstock for years and have always been able to cross reference to authenticate the product.

  2. I just checked the PB Bellora Chandelier. NOT a knockoff! The same exact item. What led you to believe these were knockoffs?


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