September 15, 2011

Pinterest Fail.

I've been wanting to start a board on pinterest for the things I see that are hideous. Whether it's a fashion decision or home decor fail.  The only reason I havent done it, is then I'd be giving it the credit it doesnt deserve :)
But tonight, I have to share this one. People are actually repinning it.
My eyes are bleeding.


  1. hahahaha!! I can so see my grandma making something like this and being sooo proud!! Oh boy!

  2. OMG this is crazy insanely ridiculous!!!! Who would do this????

  3. Ha Ha! I saw that the other day and thought surely it had to be a "what were they thinking" pin but NO, this person actually liked it. Different strokes, I suppose.

  4. I have totally been wanting to start a pinterest fail regular blog. there is some weird weird stuff i come across on there...

  5. OMG toooooo funny! Well, I guess that one just goes to show that "personal style" really IS an oxymoron, lol! Thanks for sharing! (And if you DO start a fail board I am so following you for a laugh each day :))

  6. Hey! You'll never lose your remote and you won't have to dig in the cushions for change! :)

  7. I think I threw up a little bit in my mouth... I wasn't expecting such a horrible picture after all the lovely pictures you posted ;) After saying that though, I've had some terrible failures in my crafting days... I just wouldn't post them for everyone to see! :)

    Wonderful blog by the way! I'm feeling very inspired by all the OTHER lovely pictures and might just make my way home to create something beautiful after work... <3

  8. love this idea...(the pinterest fail one) maybe an anonymous account? i have always wanted an anonymous comment section, either on pinterest or facebook!

  9. Hahahahahahahaha. Can´t stop laughing, I started one board with things I am not crazy about. It was needed!


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