September 6, 2011

First day of schoolio

Well, the day finally came. My sweet little girl is off to preschool. I am very big on tradition, so this is a start of many years of this.

and her after school special snack...

By the way, it IS true, that if you preheat your oven to 350, put the cupcakes in, lower it to 325 for 25 minutes, they do come out "fuller" fact, I couldve filled my liners up a bit more. These are good ol' boxed Cherry Chip Cake Mix, Frosting, Sprinkles, Sour Candy "tape", and a pretzel stick. Cheap and easy and pleasing to the eye.


  1. I love the cupcakes, they are so cute!! This is probably a stupid question, but .. how do you get the icing to look like that?

  2. Not a stupid question! I can never get my icing red enough, so I just used the betty crocker ones straight from the tube. It actually tastes great.

  3. Those cupcakes are awesome! And i love that photo idea...I saw it on pinterest. What program did you use to edit it?

  4. Aww!! I love your first day of school idea! I totally am going to steal it! I wish I could pin it to my pinterest, but I wouldn't want someone to do that do a pic of my I will just store it away in the memory banks :) (cute cupcakes too!)

  5. Love it... I have a preschooler and kindergartener this year :)


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