April 6, 2011

New Sheets

I have had my white Wamsutta sheets for nearly 6 years. Yes, six. They have lasted this long, even through dozens and dozens of bleach cycles. However they finally bit the dust when they ripped a couple nights ago. I seriously dreaded the day I'd have to pick out new ones. You see, unlike my husband, I love a COLD bed. The sheets have to feel cold when I get in bed, and feel slicky.

So we started out with these from BBB.
Got home, tossed them in the wash, after I got them out I was already regretting my purchase. They were stiff in my hands. Put them on the bed, slept one night with them, woke up and told my husband, we're upgrading.

$90 later ( with coupons )
We ended up with these

After a wash, and a good night's sleep, we agreed the difference is substantial. And yes I'll continue to always buy white linens, because I love me the smell of bleach in the mornin.


  1. ha ha. I did the exact same thing! Well I bought the sheets that said "cool and crisp", maybe not the ones you bought. Anyways, my husband and I slept on them for about an hour, and then I made him get up and take them off and change the sheets at like 1:00am! Seriously, though, they were almost $90. And if they're uncomfortable and you can hear every movement you make because they are so stiff, might as well return them!

  2. yes sometime its best to spend a few more or better linens!

  3. We have those sheets, too and I love them! They do fade after a few washes, though.

  4. I've been happy with the 450 thread count I got from Target. Hubby keeps pestering me to buy 600 thread counts!

  5. I like my sheets the same as you and I swear by Ralph Lauren sheets...at least 350 thread count. they get better and better with each wash:) I always can find them on sale at department stores or even cheaper at Marshalls/Homegoods.

  6. I love white linens too! It definitely simplifies things, and you feel like they are really CLEAN. I love Sam's and Costco's high thread count sheets...so soft!

  7. I LOVE the Kirkland brand sheets at Costco. They're about $60 a set and they're really thick. They've handled bleach like a champ and they feel *cold*. Love it. I got mine at the Costco in SODO.


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