April 26, 2011

Want your yard to look like this?

Pretty Beautiful, yes? We headed up to Skagit Valley Tulip Festival last weekend and boy was it worth the drive.
You can go to tulips.com to order their bulbs.. one of my faves is queen of the night ( they are much darker in person )

Also, Home Depot ( not sure about lowes ) has been clearancing their tulip bulbs, 99 cents a container ( each container had 3 buds or blooms )

May 1st! Calypso for Target..

Finally the time is near for us to get insane prices on Calypso St Barths via Target. It debuts May 1st, and will likely not stick around for very long, so dont miss out or wait for clearance. It's heavenly, check out the video preview:


Small Rug Addition

My obsession with black/white stripes continues. I got this 3x5 Rug on Ebay for just $34. It's been a pain to find a striped rug like this for under $100. Like I said before, I'm SLOWLY adding to this lil room upstairs. I'll be finishing the light in the next couple of days. It's been quite the process.

Also wanted to note that TJMAXX and MARSHALLS have black and white striped OUTDOOR seat cushions for only $14.99....which is crazy because you cant find striped outdoor fabric for that much per yard, let alone with a cushion :)

April 24, 2011

Lack of..

My apologies for the lack of blogging lately. My head has been elsewhere! You'll know when my brain returns because there will be a burst of blog entries all of a sudden, so stay tuned.

April 16, 2011

Your house, a Billboard?

Adzookie wants to pay your mortgage, for up to a year.
All you gotta do is allow them to paint your home into a billboard, and as long as you have it painted that, they'll pay your mortgage ( up to yr maybe more ) AND they'll paint it back when your term is up.
So, would you do it?? ( link here )

April 12, 2011

Spring Cleaning the Yard

Man we had 55 degree weather ( heatwave ) and sunshine, you better believe I was outside the whole time.

I used to have boxwoods under these windows, but they caught a disease and werent able to be revived.
Here's the before:


So over the weekend, I dug the grass out a bit, gave it a curve, added FUSHIA AZALEA ($2 each , they'll get wide ) and LARGE BOXWOODS ($20 each )
And I also added a dark  beauty bark bed to the tree, you can see here.

April 7, 2011

Weekend Yard Plans

We have been miserable here with rain and hail for weeks. I actually see sun right now and I'm squealing over this forecast ( A "nice" weekend? )

I plan on making the most of it with a FULL day outside, I cant remember the last time this happened.

This flowering crabtree is my favorite, but the poor grass stands no chance to the shade/moisture it brings year round. It always looks this thin, reguardless of how much I seed or fertilize.
I'll be getting the darkest beauty bark I can get, just down the street to create this:
And putting in a small stone path for the gate entrance, somethin like this: ( without all the plants)

Wish me luck. I'll post pics later.

April 6, 2011

New Sheets

I have had my white Wamsutta sheets for nearly 6 years. Yes, six. They have lasted this long, even through dozens and dozens of bleach cycles. However they finally bit the dust when they ripped a couple nights ago. I seriously dreaded the day I'd have to pick out new ones. You see, unlike my husband, I love a COLD bed. The sheets have to feel cold when I get in bed, and feel slicky.

So we started out with these from BBB.
Got home, tossed them in the wash, after I got them out I was already regretting my purchase. They were stiff in my hands. Put them on the bed, slept one night with them, woke up and told my husband, we're upgrading.

$90 later ( with coupons )
We ended up with these

After a wash, and a good night's sleep, we agreed the difference is substantial. And yes I'll continue to always buy white linens, because I love me the smell of bleach in the mornin.

April 5, 2011

Peacock Blue Paint

For those who asked for it...here's the paint info ( just use the exact numbers and take to your Lowes )

April 4, 2011

The lil neglected room

Let me tell you a brief true story.

Once upon a time I found out I pregnant, then I lost the baby. Then I found out I was pregnant again, and lost that baby. All the while I was prepping a nursery in the most neglected, smallest room, in the house. After my losses, I walked away from the room, mid paint, mid spackle, with supplies everywhere. This room has been a sore spot! The nursery was going to be ( and maybe someday will be ) peacock theme. I love love the colors. So last month I decided to face that lil room, after putting it off for months and months. 

The facts:

This room is very bright during the day, and is the only room with these type of wood walls. God willing it WILL be a nursery again someday, but in the meantime it's a guest room. No bed yet. But the dresser will be a changing table and the mirror will stay. 

Dresser Paint: Peacock blue from lowes $12
Trim Paint: $16 Decorators White ( i swear this is the only room where I will paint trim )
Dresser: $40
Dresser Rings: $8 from Ebay
Wall Paint: Dolphin Fin $16
Mirror: Pier One Clearance $130

It's not much, but it's a start.

After ( ignore the hole in the wall, havent put the plastic plate on it yet )

I'm not going to spend any more money on this room except a twin bed, I have linens for it already. I also have a light fixture in the works that I just have to complete. For the decor I'll shop inside my own home.

I rarely post anything related to my personal life on here, let alone infertility...but I figured out of the hundreds of followers I have, there's bound to be someone else struggling with IF. If you need an ear, or encouragement or someone to vent to, I'm your gal. ( email me )

Ikea Ribba Frame Hack // Custom Mats

This one was one of those projects where I'm asking myself, why didnt I do this sooner?? Was I intimidated? Did I assume it'd be co...