November 23, 2010

Ikea Holiday


Lanterns $14.99 ( they remind me of legos )
Red Tealights ( scented and non ) $2.99
Fabric Gift Bags $2.99 ( endless uses for these..)
3 storage tins $7.99 ( cookies for your neighbors? teachers? or gifts )

Potted Amaryllis $9.99  ( i'd take these over poinsettia ANYDAY )

Ok these arent really Christmasy, unless you're thinkin the 3 wisemen route, however I think they'd be cute in a lil girls room.
3 Bottles for $9.99
They also carry large amounts of wrapping paper for very cheap, along with ornate paper napkins, plates and plenty of new fabrics.

1 comment:

Ikea Ribba Frame Hack // Custom Mats

This one was one of those projects where I'm asking myself, why didnt I do this sooner?? Was I intimidated? Did I assume it'd be co...