November 9, 2010

I heart Magic Erasers

I love them so much that I asked for boxes upon boxes of them for Christmas. ( good stocking stuffer I suppose) I've talked about them before HERE
So imagine my surprise and THRILL when I found knock offs at the Dollar Tree. I bought a box and immediate put them to the test, on my bathtub. There is something actually satisfying about cleaning porcelain with these babies. I'm tellin ya.
I'm sold on them! So instead of spending $3-5? on the name brand, head on over to Dollar Tree.


  1. i recently found those too! they make cleaning the bathroom so much more....enjoyable?!?

  2. I am going there today to get them. MAgic erasers are the best!

  3. Sweet, I'm going to have to go look. Magic erasers make everything go so much faster.

  4. Just discovered your blog (via Pinterest!) and have been reading through your posts and am quite excited to share this one with you! I have a pin (funnily enough) about magic erasers - this is the link to the pin (if you're a pinner): and this is the web site: but in essence it says (and I quote) "After a little research we found that all these products are is melamine foam! Apparently, melamine foam is an open cell foam that, when mixed with water, acts like a super micro-fine sandpaper easily removing the toughest stains around your house!

    We looked into purchasing some melamine foam from our local big box hardware store, but was told they don't carry it. Because melamine foam is used as a soundproofing material, we found you can find it at stores specializing in that area (we were also able to find it on!).

    Who knew making a little magic would be so easy? "


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