We just leveled out the area and laid down these super heavy pavers ( look on craigslist for free or cheap pavers! ) Our sweet neighbor gave these to us. The big blue pot will become a fountain.
Much better huh?
This one was one of those projects where I'm asking myself, why didnt I do this sooner?? Was I intimidated? Did I assume it'd be co...
It's the little things that make the biggest difference. It looks great. As for the hose, have you ever thought of getting one of those "magic hoses" that shrink up? I havbe one and I now no longer have the big hose coil in the corner of my backyard. They really do shrink up to almost nothing and I'm enjoying not having a big hose pile on my patio. Anyhoo, hope you are enjoying this PNW sunshine.
My mom actually has one and hates it! I'll have to ask her why now lol