February 8, 2012

Just say no to silk plants.

Bed Bath and Beyond, good for misc kitchen items, towels and my Wamsutta sheets...but I smacked my forehead when I saw this...

Silk.Hanging.Plants. $39 to $49. Noooooooooo


  1. I completely agree! No fake plants. I am embarrassed to say that I just got rid of a fake tree from my living room and still have one on my stair landing. Not sure what I was thinking when I got those. On top of all of their other dubious qualities they are huge dust catchers.

  2. Best part of this post: you can find those babies at pretty much every yard sale in the country for pennies (although, really, people should be PAYING other people to take them). Yikes, BB&B...what a lol-worthy post!

  3. I must admit, oh decorator friend, that I have a fake plant in my home. I kill anything that lives (other than kids... maybe because they tell me when they need to be fed??) haha! But an outdoor hanging plant is a NO

  4. Hmmm, what about NDI plants? I am looking at one for my dining room table(little cheaper version though). If no fake flowers...then why don't you do a post on centerpieces for dining room tables, lol? I need help :)


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