July 12, 2010

Crosley telephone knockoffs

PB's Grand Phone has been popular over the years. I remember when it came out, brides were putting it on their registries in hopes of owning this classic reproduction. PB has it for $59-79 depending on the finish you choose.
So here are a few other options

Home Decorators has it for $49 and comes in Red, Black and Brushed Chrome.

And Best Buy ( of all places..) also carries novelty telephones ranging from $39-49 for the Crosley's.


  1. so weird that you're posting about this because i recently have been thinking about buying one. thanks for the great resources!

  2. my mom has a real one of these with the spin dial and everything and it still works perfectly. It is used as the regular phone in the house if noone wants to move around the house.


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