December 30, 2009


Hey all! So my 2010 goal, that is totally doable, is to really focus on organization. Not only with organizing my schedule/life, but organizing STUFF in my house.

Here's my list, and I have to show you before and after pics as I accomplish every goal.

1. Buy quality tupperware/organize fridge!
2. Tackle my laundry room storage ( 1. shoes 2. recycling )
3. Declutter the large upstairs closet ( 1. toss junk 2. create playspace for Bryn )
4. Straighten kitchen cabinets ( including getting rid of unused gadgets/glasses )
5. Buy large tupperware containers for Bryn's "old" toys ( they are in bags now )
6. The biggest one of all, organize our storage/workshop ...i wont start til spring!


  1. Organizing and a new weekly cleaning schedule are my New Year's Resolutions too! Happy New Year!

  2. I'm right there with ya! I just started my weekly cleaning routine and it already feels great! Happy New Year!

  3. Yep I'm there. JUst put my list down. Love the blog.

  4. Glad I am not the only one who has getting new storage containers on their 2010 To Do list. :-)

  5. It looks like everyone is ready to dive into their New Year's Resolutions. January is "Get Organized Month." I'm looking for organizing questions and challenges to address in my blog: I hope everyone has a healthy and prosperous year!


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