May 24, 2015

Lightbulb Moment.

It's been eternity since I've blogged. I wont apologize, I didnt miss it! It was a nice break and although I still have a love and passion for all things decor, I've taken on a very very different career path. This remains a hobby, but this year I've realized a lot of things about myself, and being true to me. Dont get me wrong, I'm still taking on clients and am loving every one of you! But the days of obsessing over the newest releases and sales are gone. I dont even read other blogs anymore.

I've realized to truly go with my gut. Not paying attention to trends and what is in. For years you saw me updating dressers and lots of mixing old with the new and bringing old things back to life. That's just truly not me anymore. Gone with that phase of my life! I'm contemporary, I like clean, straight lines and no clutter. 5 feet away from me in a 70's gold lamp that I bought at a garage sale a few years back, and I laugh, because it's just not me. In fact, it makes me want to take a bat to it. I had hoped to age it somehow, or, honestly I dont even remember. It sits there gathering dust because I dont even turn it on. Does this mean I'm purging my house of all things vintage? No. I'm not going all crazy, I havent completely lost my mind. Will I get rid of some ish though? You bet your sweet ass I am.

I havent bought much for the home this year. I honestly dont even remember the last time I bought a home decor item ( probably the west elm duvet, in the post below ) it just hasnt been a priority. I lost interest for a hot second and with this new job, I just havent had the time. So every purchase I make from here on out will be seriously thought over. Am I buying this because it's hot right now? Am I buying it because it's going to change the direction of the room? Am I buying this out of habit? If I'm on the fence about anything, I wont buy it. I encourage you to do the same. Every single item I've ever debated about, I've regretted and returned or sold.

Moving on.

Here's my latest purchase. I've looked forever for a new chandelier that gives off decent light. I took the plunge and my next post will be the review.

1 comment:

  1. HI! I've been waiting patiently on your review of the light . . . are you done blogging for good? I hope not, because I truly enjoyed your posts. I understand about taking breaks . . .


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