November 19, 2014

DIY Dollar Store Christmas Advent Calendar

I started doing an advent calendar a few years ago, instead of doing stockings ( I wish I could do both, but frankly it's a lot of work, and money! ) and I had this pretty mirrored advent box from Target that was just lovely. However, I now have two daughters and the box holes are tiny. So if I wanted to just put 2 hershey kisses in each box, I'd be set. But no, I like to make it complicated and do a bit more than that.

I had the plan in my head, and off to Dollar Tree I went. 
I gathered:

1 Bag of Brown Paper Bags(40)- $1
1 Bag of Clothespins- $1
1 Tube of Silver Glitter - $1
( I had twine, mod podge and paint at home..but you could gather up: 
Red/White Striped Plastic Clothesline $1
Black Sharpie $1
Glue $1 )

I cut the paper bags to make them squatty, and painted the numbers on ( I didnt have a sharpie at the time, so I did it the long way ) I then acquired the help of my 6 year old to modge podge the clothespins and glitter them to death.

I then tied the string on the back of my chalkboard with small nails in place, filled the bags with Dollar Tree goodies, Target Dollar Spot stuff, activities and candy for both girls. Voila!

Some quick ideas for what to put in the bags:

Christmas Candy ( Chocolate/Pez Dispensers etc )
Matchbox Cars
Cookie Cutter with a note that you'll make cookies with them
Stickers ( for my girls I bought tiny ones for their nails )
Little Legos
Activity Cards ( look at christmas lights, give neighbors gifts, watch christmas movie etc )
Fake Money that they get to use on a selection of things
Fridge Magnets
Nail Polish

More cheap Christmas decor to come!


Ikea Ribba Frame Hack // Custom Mats

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