April 28, 2012

My best before and after, ever.

I rarely do personal posts on this blog, but I thought this one may be worth sharing. The last 6 months I have been shedding my old body. It was a lazy body. It was a body that miscarried, held years of hormones due to fertility treatments, a body that wouldnt allow me to do outdoor sports with my family, a body that embarrassed me. In October, something FINALLY clicked. So I got to work.
 No gimmicks here. I joined a gym, worked out 4-5 times a week ( sometimes with a trainer ) and ate 1100-1500 calories a day. I wrote down everything I ate, drank a crap load of water, took my vitamins, and that is how I did it.
It's not necessarily a before and after picture, because I am far from done.
But through this embarrassing "before" photo, I wanted to  inspire other real people, and show you it can be done. I'm down 45 pounds. I'm 5'8" and weighed 250, and now I'm at 205 with 35ish to go.
I love this season of the biggest loser because they are going by the theme of no excuses. They tackle every excuse. The biggest one I hear is, I dont have time. Guess what? No, you dont. You wont have anytime left if you dont start moving, today. I have a dear friend, Karin, who is a working mom of 2, who's lost well over 100lbs ON HER OWN. Amy, is another, working mom, who has lost over 75lbs. Go make the time to get healthy, and fight for MORE time with your loved ones.
I'm still learning, I still battle saying no to bad stuff, I dont have it all together, but I'm certainly on my way.
 I hope you are inspired.

If you have questions, fire away, I'd be happy to answer what I can


  1. Girl, you rock. Keep up the awesome work, you're inspiring me to do the same. (Not that I have a huge weight loss story, but I could definitely do some things to get in shape again!) You look fantastic!

  2. Great story, thanks so much for sharing! And 205 looks great on you, by the way. :)

  3. Way to go! You look fantastic

  4. Congratulations, your hard work is definitely paying off!! You look amazing. Last year I went through my own weight loss journey, losing 30 pounds in about five months. You're right, no gimmicks, hard work is just what it takes.

    And I love your outlook, you won't have anytime if you don't make time to get healthy. So true.

    Keep it up!!

  5. GREAT job! You look amazing! Very motivating! :)

  6. You look amazing! Congrats and good luck on the rest! :)

  7. I read your blog often and have always been shy to comment... BUT I'm breaking out of my shyness to tell you not only how great you look but how happy you look! Two years ago I decided to get control of my health and I lost not only 30 lbs but also a lot of negativity. Since then, people (even strangers) always comment that I smile a LOT! You have a beautiful smile! Congrats on your journey to good health!

  8. Hi there Steph,

    I am new to your blog. I wish I could remember how I found you - must have been through another blog. I added your lantern picture
    to my Pinterest and it had 35 repins!! Such a great idea how you hung them with inexpensive hooks. I am always looking for low-cost decorating ideas.

    But anyway, I had to comment on this post. First of all, you look absolutely amazing in your new photo. You have such a gorgeous face, and your figure is what most women strive for: great curves, toned, and very well proportioned. I give you a ton of credit for changing your body in a healthy way.

    I have been gaining weight since I quit smoking about three years ago. I was around 200 and am now around 250 (weird, right?) - so I feel like if you can do it, I can too. I have been making tons of excuses for myself and I need to just stop the excuses and start getting healthy.

    Thank you so much for sharing your pictures and your story, you have really spoken to my heart and motivated me.


  9. Good job! You were beautiful, but you look so much happier in the new photo. Love yourself!

  10. you are VERY inspiring! Congratulations on the weight loss, it is no easy thing but you are looking fantastic! As a personal trainer, and someone who has gone through a transformation also, I totally know the hard work that goes into getting a healthy body! Keep it up!

  11. You look so so so so so good! I am thrilled for you.

  12. Hi Steph! You look great but more importantly, it sounds like you feel great!

    You should be so proud of yourself- it takes a lot of hard work. I'm married to a dietitian and we are fortunate enough to have learned that lesson long ago (not that it gives us a free ticket)...Calories consumed vs. calories expended.

  13. You look adorable...even in the before picture! Great job!

  14. Congrats on your success! Amazing! Can you give any advice for what you've done to achieve your success? I'm a new reader so if you've talked about it in the past (sorry). Thanks for sharing! :)

  15. you look incredible! thank you for posting this---it's very brave and also very inspiring for women---there really is no "easy" way to do it. You did it the hard way and succeeded :)

  16. Wow! U look incredible! U should b very proud!!!

  17. way to go! thanks for sharing.

  18. You have every right to be SO stinkin' proud! Good for you, girl!

  19. Great Job, and you said it right. Its all about what you eat and exercise. Your inspiring!


  20. I REALLY love what you mentioned in this post....

    "I don't have time to exercise"

    I was just telling myself this same excuse today!!

    You are very inspiring for us :)

  21. Wow!!! you look amazing! Congratulations on the result but mostly on the discipline. Very inspiring!

  22. Congratultions! You look amazing and it is so awesome you are sharing this and inspiring!
    Keep it up girl!

  23. You look stunning! Congratulations!! You have motivated me to get this 15 lbs I want to lose off..for good. Thanks for sharing!

  24. Congratulations!!! So inspiring! Keep up the great work!

  25. You are the busiest, craziest, most determined woman I know! Way to go, girl! So very proud of you!!

  26. You look great! Now come back to the D&R Board :)

  27. You look amazing, you must have worked very hard to get where you are now. But, do you really need to lose any more weight? You look fab just the way you are. xx

  28. WOW you look amazing! Thanks for sharing!

  29. you look amazing! congratulations! how are you tracking your calories exactly?

  30. Congratulations!!! You look AMAZING!! Thank you for your transperancy and for keeping it "real". Keep up the hard work, I am impressed with your determination.

  31. Good job! It's great to hear about people with real bodies working hard to stay healthy! You look great!

  32. You look great! Keep up the good work!

  33. Congratulations on your progress. You look fantastic in the after picture. Thanks for doing a real post on weight loss that reminds people that it really takes time and diligence to see results. Enough with the diet gimmicks on the media these days.

    I am a new reader and I love the title of the blog as well.

  34. Thank you for sharing such a personal thing, its very encouraging. You look so amazing and happy!

  35. Great job!! I'm impressed with your inspiring story! :) Over the past year, I myself have lost almost 30 pounds just eating right and exercising. Keep up the awesome work!

  36. Congratulations-- what you shared is so very inspiring! You have spoken the truth! You are beautiful! :)

  37. I have followed your blog for a while now and WOW!! So inspiring -good for you! You look amazing!!!!


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