September 18, 2010

Favorite Kitchens

I have 2 very different sides of me when it comes to kitchen taste.Same goes for style of dream homes. I have my Mediterranean/stucco side of me, and my old craftsman type charmer. If you asked me to choose today, I would lean towards the whites, because of the type of house I'm in. Kitchenwise: Side one, is very clean, white, and traditional, and side two is very contemporary. Like Jeff Lewis, Contemporary.

So here is side one, of my favorites. The white group.

( some images I saved years ago, but from my memory the pics are from HGTV, Coastal Living, August Fields ( blog), House Beautiful, Elle Decor, Domino )

And for Side two, the dark, contemporary side of me:

( Jeff Lewis, HGTV, Polygon Homes )

So there you have it. What do you prefer?


  1. Love the whites, BUT, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that one from the HGTV dream home in New Mexico on the dark gorgeous and that tile wall...GORGEOUS!!!

  2. I hate you for this.
    I can never decide on anything, I'm always returned stuff and YOU are no help.


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