September 30, 2010

Candle Snob ( and a coupon for u )

Hi, my name is Steph, and I'm a candle snob.
Here's the deal...I only buy scented candles from Pier One. Yankee is too expensive, and I'm very very picky with scents. In fact, the only candles I buy are "Oceans" at Pier One. I buy the room spray like it's goin outta style, I have the diffuser in the bathroom,  and the candle's throughout. The fragrance beads have impressed me the most though. I've had this thing for over 9 months, and when it gets dry i just fill it with water and the entire bathroom is scented. Impressive for $5.
Here is the link

Other than that, ( and the occasional vanilla or pumpkin candles )I'm sticking with my LED candles. They are back at Costco, this time in a couple different options, under $25. I'll try to get there today and get pics.

For you Yankee fans, BUY ONE GET ONE FREE COUPON HERE! ends 10/3! Hurry! You're welcome.


  1. I just got a delicious carmel pumpkin candle there!

  2. I was gonna blog about their pumpkin candles, then realized I hadnt smelled them yet! I'll likely get one this year, as long as it doesnt have a spice smell to it...

  3. Does the Pier 1 store sell the candles Steph, or do you have to order?

  4. Ooh - just went to Pier 1 and loaded up! Thanks for the tip!!!

  5. I just saw those scent beads at Pier One - now you said you like them so much - I am going to buy them - I was going to put them in my bathroom as well. Thanks for the info.


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