October 5, 2009

Anthropologie and PB

(above ) I strolled through Anthropologie today and thought these were cool pics to take. The Ostrich is totally made of newspaper...and the other pic is just bundt cake pans glued to a chalkboard
( bottom pic ) I was at Pottery Barn today, lookin at clearance and had to take a pic of this, it's a smart idea to hang the ladder, then hang lanterns from it. I love that look


  1. Great pics! I love the ladder hanging too. I've been looking for one...not easy to find! Thanks for always sharing the best ideas. :)


  2. I never thought I'd get so excited about a clean sink. hehe

    Hey girl, just wanted to let you know I mentioned you in my blog.. head on over and check it out!

  3. Anthropologie is my favorite place, its always designed amazing!


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