I have always loved containers. Boxes are favorite, but now Old Mason Jars are my new obsession. Oh the possibilities. So since the theme lately around here is "recession chic" ...and I needed some new summer outdoor decor. I posted a want ad on craigslist for jars ( for free ) and I wound up with 20 very very old Ball Mason Jars. I was thrilled. I had a bag of neglected tealights from Ikea, and put 2 and 2 together.
I have a 100 year old home with a big workshop in back that needed some attention. So I simply hung the Jars by wires and threw a candle in em'...I'll be putting an inch of sand in the bottom soon. It cost $6. Clearance wire cutters, needle nose pliers, wire and 20 jars.

Stay tuned. These jars will likely move to underneath my huge pergola in the back. I have lots of leftover jars so I will be finding uses for them as well!